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~~ Study Materials ~~

Mary For Today’s World Teams Oceania Discussion Resource 22 April 2023

This discussion resource was produced by the Oceania Super-Region of the Teams for Married Spirituality movement (Equipes Notre Dame).

ERI Topic 22-23 – Serving in the imitation of Mary

The specific orientation for the year 2022-2023 is: “Serving in the imitation of Mary”. This is also the title of this study topic because the Virgin Mary lived a life of service. After her son Jesus, she is the greatest example of service that humanity has ever witnessed. She declared herself the humble servant of the Lord and submitted to God’s will through her YES.

Marriage – A Sacrament of Mission 2020-2021

Let us seek together –The thoughts of Father Caffarel, founder of the Teams of Our Lady, are comparable to a heavenly diamond mine, providing flashes of inspiration. His thoughts were polished by thousands of hours of prayer and meditation; and through the many reflections exchanged with all those married couples he journeyed with. We hope, by presenting them in this study topic, teams couples will be encouraged as they discover more of his thoughts. 

Read the   Introductory letter from Clarita and Edgardo Bernal-Fandino

The Third Age Study Topic

This study topic has arisen out of a concern about the ageing profile of Team membership in Australia. It was first suggested that it should be called “The Golden Years” but it was pointed out to us that not all people as they age are in fact having a “golden” experience of life a it were and that a more generic, less value laden term be used such as “The Third Age”.

The Holy Couple__2019-2020 StudyTopic

This Study Topic – Holy Couple: Joy of the Church, witness to the world – aims to call our attention to the following fact: the more we sanctify ourselves as people, couples and as Base Teams – our ultimate vocation – the more we will become fruitful to the Church and to the world; and the more fruitful will be our mission. Vocation and Mission!

Vocation and Mission – Oceania Edition Study Topic

This Oceania edition is not the original document given to the Teams of Our Lady by the International Responsible Team in Fatima in July 2018. To prepare it as a study topic the text was adapted for the Teams Movement in Oceania in April 2019. The text was prepared by Penny and Peter Cahalan and the discussion questions prepared and collated by Cath and Bob Dixon with contributions from Chris and John Dighton, Anne and Kevin Taylor, Sue and Adrian Fordham and Faye and Kevin Noonan.
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Dear members and collaborators: The study topic that we present to the movement today has as its title the same motto as that of the XII International Meeting, “RECONCILIATION, SIGN OF LOVE”. This title echoes our experiences during the short but intense week during which we were able to live the grace and the profound meaning of our divine kinship, its gratuity and, above all, the immeasurable mercy of the Father.

The Mission of Love Study Topic for 2017/18

This study topic was offered by the International Responsible Team in preparation for the XII International Gathering at Fatima 2018 is both a beginning and an end. It is important to understand this, because the road that the Movement has travelled since its foundation (in 2017 we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Charter) is not a set of separate stages, but a continuous journey and always leading towards an ever-deeper meeting with Christ and, consequently, with ourselves

Not walls but bridges 2016/2017
Family pastoral challenges in the New Evangelisation

The International Leading Team (ERI), well aware of the answer given to the Lord by the Super- Regional and Regional couples at the Rome 2015 International Gathering: “Here I am Lord, send me!”, is now proposing a new theme for 2016/17, based on the Bishops Synod about “The Family’s pastoral challenges in the new Evangelization”.
In this proposal you will constantly find the Gospel’s challenge, the Church’s teachings, and the frequent appeals of Pope Francis – listen, pray and do – as he spoke to us at the audience in Rome, stressing the couples’ missionary role and urging us to make the wealth entrusted to us by Teams of Our Lady produce fruit.
In accordance with our Movement’s international spirit, this study theme has been prepared by a Team from the Super-Region of Italy.

LIVING OUR MISSION JOYFULLY – Equipes Notre-Dame International study

This study topic was prepared by a Team from the Hispano-American Super-Region in complete harmony with the current Orientations of the Movement, responding to the invitation that Pope Francis addresses to the entire Church.
Our discussions in Rome will further develop this theme, taking as our starting point the response that Isaiah made to the Lord: “Here I am Lord, send me”, in the conviction that He always prepares us well,
so that we may give a response that is anchored in fidelity and prayer.

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~~ Prayer ~~

The following prayers may assist you when  a member of your Team has died or has a serious illness.  You can use the third one if you wish to formalise the ending of your Team.

~~ Documents ~~


 Link – END Teams Guide

Submission to the Plenary Council February 2020

Link – TeamsOceaniaSubmissionPCFeb2020

A joyful, hope-filled and servant community

We recommend locally that

  1. Each parish has an active ministry to the poor, the sick and the elderly.
  2. Each parish works with the recommended liturgy group to develop a truly hospitable, family atmosphere that welcomes ‘the stranger’ and celebrates the eucharist each Sunday with vibrant music and joy.
  3. Families and groups are encouraged to assist and lead in the preparation of liturgies to reflect their traditions.

A Submission to the Plenary Council March 2019

Link – TeamsOceaniaSubmissionPCMarch2019

Marriage is a Sacrament for Others.

The preparation of this submission was based on:

  1. Responses received from Teams members across Australia, and
  2. Documentation from the Teams Movement and elsewhere particularly in relation to marriage and family.

Vocation and Mission

Link – Vocation and Mission (final A5) – ANG

This document “Vocation and Mission at the dawn of the third millennium” is the work of the communal energy established in the Teams of Our Lady to respond to the exhortation of Pope Francis addressed to the universal Church “for a new chapter of evangelisation”. (Evangelii Gaudium 1).

The Pope’s address to Teams in Rome – PDF

Audience given to the Teams of Our Lady 10 September  2015

The Sit Down – 2015 – PDF

The aim of the sit down is to help the couple “to make time each month for real dialogue in the presence of God” (Father Caffarel). It allows a personal exchange in which the couple can raise issues for discussion and really see and listen to each other. It also helps them to pray and to love one another more deeply.

Teams Oceania Flyer April 2017- PDF Version (With editable contact details)

Oceania Flyer or Poster – PDF Version (With editable contact details)

Teams Pamphlet -Casserole- PDF Version (With editable contact details)

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Piloting Resources for New Teams


Over many years there has been a great deal of work done to prepare and update the Piloting materials for new Teams.  Summaries of these materials are listed below and copies of the full documents are available through the Oceania Team Regional Couples.

  • A Guide for Piloting a New Team 

In the early 1990s a group of couples and a Teams chaplain met at the request of the South Australian sector team. Their task was to adapt the movement’s piloting literature to be more fully in line with the principles of adult education. The sector felt that previous piloting processes were too didactic and wanted something more in line with the spirit of Teams as a movement of growth through experience.

The Oceania Team asked the SA Region to revisit the material in 2014. The piloting material that has been developed is the fruit of the work of that original group and of 20 years of refining it continuously as new Teams were piloted.

Resources written and compiled by Penny and Peter Cahalan.  With thanks to:  Petra and Terry McDevitt, Barbara and Justin O’Halloran, Shirley and Frank van der Linden, Theresa and Frank Wolff, Sr. Carmel Pilcher RSJ.

  • Piloting a New Team – The First 6 Meetings 

This prepared series for the first six meetings of a new Team, are ready to be edited with Meeting details and used.  Originally developed in South Australia by the Tooheys and Edited in Qld by the Taylor’s, these first six meetings provide a good foundation to start a new Team. 
Contact your Regional Couple for details

  • Introduction to “Manual for Pilot Couples” 

This manual is almost completely based on a UK publication and their assistance is gratefully acknowledged. Additions and Revisions have been added by Victoria East in November 2012.
Contact your Regional Couple for details

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~~ International ~~

More resources can be found below:

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