Our Structure

A team is composed of five to seven couples and a priest spiritual counsellor. They all join the Movement of their own accord. It is not an ordinary human community: it meets “in the name of Christ”. The couples help each other to progress in the love of God, to “build themselves up in Christ” and to put their love at the service of the Kingdom.
The sector is a community of teams that want to progress together and help one another on the way. It is a geographical entity made up of 5 to 20 teams approximately. Its size makes it possible for couples to know one another, to have direct contact with each other and for sufficient couples to be found to run it. It is the most essential community for the life of Teams.
A region consists of a number of neighbouring sectors, grouped together for mutual help. It is a link for communication and close union between Sector Couples, members of sector teams and other couples providing a service.
A super-region consist of a number of regions either within one country or grouping several neighbouring countries of the same continent. Experience has shown that at least 200 teams constitute a good basis for a super-region to operate.
The International Leading Team (ERI)
The International Leading Team has general responsibility for the running of the Movement.
It consists of 5 or 6 couples assisted by a priest spiritual counsellor. The membership of ERI reflects, as much as possible, the international character of the Movement. The members are involved and act within the Leading Team in a personal capacity and not as representatives of their countries of origin.
ERI chooses a Leading Couple from among its members. One of the Leading Couples principal tasks is to foster a close union between the members of ERI and of the College ERI / SR. They are the official representatives of the Movement.
The priest spiritual counsellor of ERI is not only its counsellor: he is also available to the teams of the Movement in the world. His task is to reflect on the pastoral and theolog:cal needs of the Movement in the context of its vocation.
The College
The College consists of the members of ERI and of the Super-Regional Couples. It does a work of reflection and sharing at the international level, in order to make the general running of the Movement a “collegial” responsibility (a shared responsibility).
It meets once a year for a work session lasting several days to which the Regional Couples of isolated regions and Regional Co-ordinating Couples are occasionally invited, and are thus able to take part in the work of reflection of the College.
All positions of responsibility in the Movement are held for a limited period of time.