The 2021 Oceania Teams Gathering may be over, but…..
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- Overview of the 2021 Oceania Teams Gathering
This video welcomes participants to the Gathering prior to the formal commencement of the day. It focusses upon the main themes of the Gathering. (Video 7 mins.)
Phil, our Facilitator, summarises the program and reflects on the outcomes of the day. In so doing, she captures the energy, sense of purpose and the general togetherness that highlighted this first-ever ‘virtual’ Gathering of Teams across Oceania.
- The Opening Address – Bishop Steve Lowe, Hamilton
Bishop Steve outlines the key messages from Amoris Laetitia and the importance and challenging role the Teams Movement plays in strengthening married spirituality, drawing parallels with the challenges presented by the COVID pandemic. (22 mins.)
- Guest Presentations
Lara & Tim Kirk, Canberra – Goulburn Archdiocese
- Exploring Marriage: The importance of married couples supporting each other: Personal insights
Lara and Tim share their journey in marriage, in a way which is very open, personal and insightful. (video 12 mins.)
Sr Clare Condon, SGS
- Looking Forward in the Universal Church: Pope Francis’ Vision for the Church – Cause for Hope
Sr. Clare examined the recent book by Pope Francis Let Us Dream, especially in relation to its three themes A Time to See, A Time to Choose and A time to Act. For Sr. Clare, this is the time for the People of God to be Church and take the initiative. (video 14 mins.)
John Warhurst, OA
- Looking Forward in the Universal Church – The changing landscape in our Church communities and the Synod process – the role of lay communities.
As a member of the Plenary Council, John expressed his concerns about the processes under-pinning the Plenary Council, especially in the participation of lay communities and the extent to which they have a legitimate voice. (Video 15 mins.)
Phil Billington, Facilitator
- Exploring the Context of Faith and Marriage – Exploring the Context of Faith and Marriage Today
Phil presented research around the current context of marriage, social attitudes and faith patterns of young people. In so doing, it provides insights into how Teams might play a role in supporting modern marriage and meeting the many challenges the institution of marriage faces in today’s world (Slide presentation PDF).
Msgr John Woods, Canberra – Goulburn Archdiocese
- Reflections from the perspective of a Teams Chaplain, Marriage Tribunal, Diocesan Priest and fellow pilgrim.
A summary of Msgr. John’s reflections is contained in Phil Billington’s Reflections on the Gathering
(see above Overview of the 2021 Oceania Teams Gathering).
- The Opening and Closing Liturgies
- Opening liturgy: The Road to Emmaus … Our Journey in Teams
A beautiful audio-visual liturgy that could be used in Team meetings, at Crossroads or during Team Retreats. (video 16 mins.)
During the closing liturgy there was a changeover ceremony for the role of Oceania Super-Regional Couple, from Chris and John Dighton to the incoming couple, Petra Ball and Terry McDevitt, who take on the role in January 2022. (video 8 mins.)
- Other Highlights of the Gathering
- Welcome message from Chris and John Dighton, Oceania Super-Regional Responsible Couple
- Welcome message from Clarita and Edgardo Bernai, the International Teams Responsible Couple
- Meeting Teams across the Oceania Region
A photographic journey across all Regions and Sectors, meeting Team members and learning about their special Team activities. (video 9 mins.) - The Teams of Our Lady – A World-Wide Movement Within the Church
This video has been developed by the International Leading Team as a way of highlighting the mission of Teams. (Video 5 mins.)
6. Closing Words from Chris and John Dighton, Oceania Super-Regional Couple
As we draw this wonderful event to a close, we want to thank you all for being involved today because you have made it the day we and the Oceania Team had hoped for.
Thanks to Roula and John Tannous and the Sydney Sector, assisted by Lois and Gary Parker from the Canberra Sector, for the beautiful opening Liturgy.
Thanks to Faye and Kevin Noonan for sharing the message from Clarita and Edgardo Bernal, the Couple Responsible for International Teams.
To the inspiring speakers – Bishop Steve Lowe, Lara and Tim Kirk, Sr Clare Condon, John Warhurst, Msgr. John Woods, Phil Billington, Raewyn and John Jackman, Genevieve and Tim Power, Jane and Scott Gould. You have given us your story, your wise words, and challenges to ponder on for the future – thank you.
So many people have worked so hard to make this day happen.
We thank the Oceania Team who have been discussing how to do this event after COVID interrupted our plans in early 2020. Led by Genevieve and Tim and together with the ACT/NSW Regional team there have been many moments of questioning – “do we go face to face or do we go virtual with this”. And here we are getting the fruits of their wise decisions and efforts. We particularly recognize the contribution of Sue and Adrian Fordham who have stood beside Genevieve and Tim to support and manage the process.
This event could not have happened without the technical support and a team which has been working behind the scenes to connect us, to trouble shoot and to manage registrations.
Thank you to Kevin Noonan, Bob Dixon, Kev Taylor, David Gill, John Laslett, Nathan Ahearne and many others who have provided ‘hands on’ advice.
And finally, a big thankyou to Phil Billington who has kept us all on track throughout the day. Your calm and encouraging words made the day flow.